Marketanalyse in California - Consulting Environment

Marketanalyse in California - Consulting Environment


 Initial Position

A prestigious business IT consulting company in Switzerland wants to strategically grow outside Switzerland. Among others, the company has already positioned itself in Spain, Germany, and Singapore. They would like to know where the best site would be to expand on the west coast of the United States.. For this reason, we were commissioned to create a market analysis and a business plan for the establishment of a site.


Develop criteria for how to decide on a future location in California.

Evaluate possible opportunities and risks in proposed sites.


Creating a market analysis within California, with a focus in the cities San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego.

Compilation of a SWOT.

Creation of a business plan with different scenarios, and resulting action plans.

Presentation of the solutions.



Client received a comprehensive picture of the market in California according to current and extensive research.

The business plan and scenarios were able to fully illustrate the opportunities and risks

The client was able to make a well-informed decision as to where to expand their business in California 


15 December 2015



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